Let’s do a



Pick your book

DIY or Ready to go?

Our collection of Storybook Walk books and ready to go walks cover a vast array of ages and topics. From back to school indoor hall walks to active outdoor storybook walks, you’ll find a book that fits your needs.

Best! Idea! Ever! Such a time saver for me!.”

— Amazon reviewer about the new DIY Storybook Walk editions.

Choose your walk

Indoor or outdoor? Active or creative?

There are lots of possibilities. From creating a scavenger hunt to doing a literacy walk, the sky is the limit. Check out some of the great ideas for storybook walks from teachers and librarians around the world.

Create your display

DIY or fancy?

Do you need some help creating a display? Whether you want to make your own display or buy one online, you’ll find everything you need here along with photos from finished storybook walk displays.

Let's walk and read!

Let's walk and read!

Check out more of Kelley Donner’s stories including her new storybook walk editions on her author/illustrator website at:
